what my friends were secretly obsessed with me?

by Ava Stromberg

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Ordinary life turned game.

Xavier had always considered himself an ordinary person, with nothing particularly exceptional about him. But lately, he had begun to notice that his friends seemed to be acting strangely around him. They would constantly ask him questions, wanting to know every minute detail of his life. When he mentioned it to one of them, they simply brushed it off as curiosity. But as time went on, Xavier couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to it. One evening, he decided to confront his closest friend, Amelia, about it. With a trembling voice, he asked her why everyone seemed so obsessed with him. Amelia's eyes widened, and for a moment, Xavier feared that he had said something wrong. But then, with a nervous laugh, Amelia confessed that they were all secretly competing to see who knew the most about him. They had turned his life into a game, a contest to determine who was his truest friend. Xavier didn't know whether to feel flattered or horrified. But deep down, he couldn't deny the warmth that spread through him. In his ordinariness, he had somehow become special.