What if Feyre loved Tarquin?

by L.M. Montgomery

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Forbidden love in a mystical world.

What if Feyre loved Tarquin? Feeling a warmth she couldn't explain, Feyre found herself drawn to Tarquin, the High Lord of Summer. In his presence, her heart blossomed like the flowers in his court. His fiery gaze set her soul ablaze, and his gentle touch awakened a hunger she had never known. Despite the danger that lurked in their world, Feyre couldn't resist the lure of Tarquin's love. They danced through moonlit gardens, their spirits entwined in a dance of passion and desire. Their forbidden love became a beacon of hope, a flickering flame amidst the darkness that surrounded them. Feyre knew she risked everything by loving him, but in her heart, she couldn't bear a life without Tarquin by her side.