Is Ryan Price relative of Rick Price?


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Is Ryan Price relative of Rick Price. Dear Mr. Simmons, I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I recently came across your novels and have become enraptured by your storytelling prowess. Your ability to weave intricate plots and craft vivid characters has impressed me greatly. However, I find myself plagued by a question that has consumed my thoughts for the past few days. Is Ryan Price, the protagonist in your novel "Echoes of Eternity," a relative of Rick Price, the enigmatic villain in your masterpiece "Incarnations of Immortality"? The similarities in their names and certain character traits have led me to ponder this connection. Your adeptness at constructing intricate familial lineages and intricate plot connections has been well-documented, leaving me to believe that such a connection is not beyond the realms of possibility. Yet, I long for a definitive answer from the creator himself. If you could shed some light on this matter, it would be greatly appreciated. I eagerly await your response. Yours sincerely, A devoted fan